
The Fisherman and the Goldfish

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The Fisherman and the Goldfish


Uncle Moshiko takes Roy to an amusement park. Even though Roy rides all the rides and wins a bunch of prizes, he still isn’t happy.

With their return home, Uncle Moshiko decides to read the beloved “The Fisherman and the Goldfish” by Alexander Pushkin, whose creations are thought of as masterpieces in international literature, to Roy.

The story comes to life on the stage and greets us with a good-hearted fisherman and his wife, who is never content and with a goldfish who has just learned how to make wishes come true in fish school.

This is a thrilling and colorful dance theater show made with video art, accompanied by the tunes of musical highlights by Mozart, Khachaturian, Strauss and other artists. The show brings a new interpretation, full of humor, to this famous story.

Educational materials

Choreography and Artistic Direction: Yoram Karmi

Play: Shirley Deshe

Director: Amit Afta

Stage Design: Batia Segel and Michael Pik

Costume Design: Limor Hershko

Video Art: Sivan Presler, Nitai Shalem

Soundtrack Design: Lior Ronen

Light Design: Rotem Elroy

Concept and Artistic Advisor: Yifat Yatach Ron, Ayala Hauptman

בתפקיד הדג: נועם כרמלי

בתפקיד הדייג: אופיר וייל

Fisherman's Wife: Nofar Levinger

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בית פרסקו למחול ותרבות
הברזל 31, בניין RAD, רמת החייל
תל-אביב -יפו

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