
Golden Ratio

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Golden Ratio


The “Gold Ratio” dance piece places a mirror on Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic masterpiece – “The Vitruvian Man”, and invites the viewer to deal with the perfect and flawed man and his belief system in all its external and mainly internal aspects.

Through the universal image of the perfect proportion, the work offers a look at the person’s observation of himself and his private and collective beliefs, and the ceaseless preoccupation with the unattainable and perfection.

The smooth walls of the circle, the corners of the rough square that we are

Choreography and Stage Design: Yoram Karmi

Original Music and Sound Design - Gal Hochberg

Costume Design: Michal Capelluto

Lights Design: Ya'akov Baresi

Rigger - Ethan Kahana

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בית פרסקו למחול ותרבות
הברזל 31, בניין RAD, רמת החייל
תל-אביב -יפו

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