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אין תאריכים קרובים



“Sour Sweets” is a nostalgic yet piercing look at a family’s intricate relations through the eyes of an old woman left alone in an old house..

The dance piece tells stories that might be actually happening or may only be distant memories in her mind.

Secrets, lies, love, violence, romance and laughter are combined together to a “film like” dance performance presented with the highest technique and energy.

From the Israeli press:

“Excellent dancers, wonderful compositions, polished movement. It’s simply good!”

“Beautiful and very enjoying. wonderful energy and versatile movement”

Choreography: Yoram Karmi

Music: Collage

Costume and set design: Maya Peleg

Lights Design: Ya'akov Baresi

אין תאריכים קרובים
אין תאריכים קרובים

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בית פרסקו למחול ותרבות
הברזל 31, בניין RAD, רמת החייל
תל-אביב -יפו

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