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World Premiere by Mor Shani

Artistic Director - Yoram Carmi


A visual album to the music of Henrik Gorecki and eight dancers dedicated to the possibility of freedom encapsulated in the collective obsession with order and duplication.

This is a proposal for an alternative to the coercive reality that dominates our lives and leaves us in the present, wondering and not understanding; A proposal to move together in a way in which the tension between history and utopia can become a dance.

The piece allows creative freedom for the dancers to bring the individual and their personal voice and create a show of happenings in an attempt to create a natural order in chaos.

The work is a microcosm for the global political and social reality in the current period
where people with free will find themselves living in social groups, behaving according to
social codes but at the same time can choose not to do so and voice their unique voice.

Artistic Director: Yoram Karmi
Choreography and Concept: Mor Shani
Creative Dancers: Fresco Dance Company
Original Music & Editing: Itamar Graus
Costume Design: Omri Albo
Lighting Design: Ofer Laufer
Rehearsal Management: Inbar Nimrovsky
Stage Manager: Shuli Zeiger
Production Management: Ayala Scherzer
International Communications: Katherina Vasiliadis
Stills Pictures: Efrat Mazor
Video & Editing: Sascha Engel, Kino Kitchen

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בית פרסקו למחול ותרבות
הברזל 31, בניין RAD, רמת החייל
תל-אביב -יפו

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